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CS8: Excess Casualty/Umbrella

The excess casualty line of business is at the epicenter of key trends impacting the industry, including social inflation, market hardening, and delays in the legal and claims process due to Covid 19. This multidisciplinary panel will discuss and assess the impact of those trends. It will also provide updates on litigation trends and exposures relevant to reserving actuaries.
Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Jeff Dollinger
Panelists: Jeffrey Dollinger, Tim McCarthy, Jane Mandigo, Jacqueline Lazowski, Christopher Steinbach

CS7: Diversity and Inclusion in Practice

Trailblazers in our industry share their experiences and their perspectives on some pragmatic steps you can take to bring inclusion and diversity to your organization.
Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Julie Halper
Panelists: Mallika Bender, David Terne, Nancy Watkins

CS6: Decoding Cyber Modeling

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Aaron Koch
Panelists: Jess Fung, Jonathan Laux, Carol Aplin

CS5: D & O Market Update and Emerging Issues

Join us for a discussion on the state of the D&O market. The last few years saw tremendous change in the D&O market: carriers, appetite, rates, and the legal environment have all shifted. We will cover these topics with perspectives from the primary and reinsurance market, and discuss their implications on actuarial analysis.
Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Lon Chang
Panelists: Brian Sabia, Ricardo Ramotar, Marc Berner

CS4: Cyber Insurance – What is next after a 100% pricing increase?

As more sophisticated attacks and ransomware events are on the rise, how do companies protect themselves with Cyber risks? How do insurance and reinsurance carriers measure and manage cyber risk when it is constantly evolving? Join us for a discussion on Cyber insurance with perspectives from the risk management, the primary and the reinsurance market.
Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Chenyan Hannah Huang
Panelists: Erica Davis, William Hardin, Ho-Tay Ma

CS3: Ceded Re Perspective

This session will provide you the latest perspective on the (re)insurance market environment, pressing issues, and effective reinsurance placement strategy through the lens of reinsurance buyers.
Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Pete Jaisle
Panelists: Chris Coelho, Will Dove, Isaac Espinoza, Peter Jaisle

CS24: Workers Comp Update

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Derek Jones
Panelists: Bryan Ware, Brett King, Lisa Walsh

CS23: Wheels: Over-Inflated Tires

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Barry Blodgett
Panelists: Jennifer Stevens, Rebecca Bredehoeft, Marni Novack

CS22: What Does ESG Mean for Underwriting and Insurance?

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Christian Hauprich
Panelists: Stephen Bochanski, Alexander Andrianov, Brett Denyer

CS21: Understanding the Run-off Market (LPT/ADC)

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Raju Bohra
Panelists: Stephen Talley, Jessica Groenewegen

CS20: The Roof! The Roof! The Roof is on Fire! Assessing Risk with InsurTech

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Zilan Shen
Panelists: Robert Frady, Jeffrey Heine, Scott Strogatz

CS2: Battlebots: Extreme Actuarial Pricing Challenge

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Stephanie Gould Rabin
Panelists: Alex Chen, Ellen Hardy, Alexander Beall

CS19: The Next Normal: Economic and Social Inflation

The U.S. P&C industry is facing increasing challenges with the possibility of an extended period of inflation and rising interest rates. At the same time, social inflation continues to pressure claim severities despite court delays during the pandemic. This session will explore some of the causes of current economic and social inflationary trends impacting the property & casualty (re)insurers, discuss what we may expect in a post-pandemic world, and dive into some practical considerations for incorporating inflationary trends in pricing, reserving and planning.
Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Stephanie Gould Rabin
Panelists: William Wilt, Michel Leonard

CS18: Reputational Risk in Reinsurance Transactions

Reputational Risk is a subject that should be of concern to all practicing actuaries. It not only affects you personally but reflects on your employer and the Casualty Actuarial Society itself. In this session we will start out by presenting guidance provided by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency on Complex Structured Financial Transactions (CSFT). We will then introduce a brief case study on a reinsurance treaty with a commission that adjusts based on loss experience. Attendees will discuss questions, such as: Is the structure consistent with the CSFT guidance? What are the actuary's responsibilities?
Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Christian Hauprich
Panelists: Todd Hess, Arlie Proctor

CS17: Property Cat: State of the Market

This session will provide an overview of the Property Cat reinsurance market. The discussion will include an overview of market capital, products, capacity, views of risk, inflation, secondary perils, model updates, and climate change. Speaker perspectives include cat modeler, underwriter, buyer, and actuary.
Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Tim Aman
Panelists: Krista Lienau, Jessica Bongiorno, Victor Baillargeon

CS16: Property - Methods for Determining Capital Usage on a Reinsurance Portfolio

This session works through a case study in catastrophe reinsurance evaluation using distortion, a.k.a. spectral, risk measures. Given a portfolio of insured properties and a number of proposed programs (and prices), which provides the best economic value? Solution 1 (ca. 2000) uses risk-return plots to sift out which programs are on the "efficient frontier" given choices of capital risk metrics (e.g. VaR, TVaR). But then what? Where do you want to be on the frontier? Solution 2 (ca. 2010) takes the common--but problematic--approach of applying the firm's overall cost of capital to each program's allocated or "saved" capital in order to impute cost savings. We review and identify the source of the difficulties of this method. We propose an alternative, Solution 3: use the firm's own capital structure and capital market prices to elaborate how the cost of capital varies by layer of risk. We show how to compute the relative consumption of capital by layer, yielding a more realistic assessment of the cost of capital savings from each program.
Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Steve White
Panelists: John Major, Stephen Mildenhall

CS15: Professionalism: U.S. Qualification Standards

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Christian Hauprich
Panelists: Esther Becker, Anthony Katz

CS14: Predictive Modeling Approach to Case Reserves

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Raj Bohra
Panelists: Chris Gross, Bret Shroyer

CS13: Portfolio Loss Sensitivities for Flood Risk Management

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Howard Kunst
Panelists: Howard Kunst, David Smith, Rehan Siddique

CS12: Mortgage Credit Risk Transfer (CRT) While Emerging from a Pandemic

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Brian Mullen
Panelists: Michael Schmitz, John Gaines, Jonathan Berenbom

CS11: Lumpy Reserving Challenges

Thin or less credible data? Changing mix over time? COVID delay? Our panel will explore solutions for these challenges and more.
Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Sean Devlin
Panelists: Keith Sunvold, Sarah Krutov, Jonathan Sappington
Keywords: Governance

CS10: Intermediate Experience and Exposure Rating Methods for Today

This session will build upon prior basic CARe track and boot camp materials and will presuppose familiarity with the basics of exposure and experience rating methodologies. This session will include the usage of more advanced techniques to address common excess rating challenges, exacerbated by the various extra stresses and data distortions currently being encountered. These additional distortions include: * shifting policy limits, credibility and blending of loss development factors, method confidence levels * recent heightened inflation, social inflation, civil unrest, and Covid impacts including on LDFs * accurately assessing these impacts holistically, will lead to more refined: * benchmarking and individual account analysis * avoiding overconfidence in experience and exposure rating
Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Caitlyn Pace
Panelists: Caitlyn Pace, David Fairchild, Shani Clarke

CS1: Adjusting for 'Limits Drift' in Experience Rating: Revisiting Bob Giambo's 2004 Reinsurance Seminar Presentation

Source: 2022 Seminar on Reinsurance
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Zilan Shen
Panelists: Adam Carvalho, Eric Dynda

RP7: Inconceivable! Professionalism Scenarios

Source: 2022 Ratemaking, Product and Modeling Virtual Seminar
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Dereck Tanaka
Panelists: Shawn Balthazar, Dereck Tanaka, Helen Zhao

RP6: Using ASOPs to Model

Source: 2022 Ratemaking, Product and Modeling Virtual Seminar
Type: Concurrent Session
Moderators: Russ Leone
Panelists: Russell Leone, Andrew Dalgaard, Todd Hess