Active CAS Candidates – those who have sat for a CAS exam within the past two years – are invited to take advantage of a variety of benefits. Please feel free to contact the CAS Administrative and Customer Support Department at or 703-276-3100 with any questions about the benefits of being a CAS Candidate!

*An Active Candidate is a non-CAS member who has attempted at least one actuarial exam in the last two years.

Other Benefits
Candidates receive the same discount that members receive on the registration fees for CAS meetings and seminars -- typically $200 less than the non-member rate.
Within your online profile, you can update your contact information, upload your picture, and access information in your CAS record. Click on My Exams, where you can access your Exam Acknowledgement Letter, which is an acknowledgement of your examination registration and includes your receipt, your chosen exam location, and your candidate number. About three weeks before an exam, the Exam Center information will also be available, which provides your proctor's contact information, the exam center address, and any site-specific information.