Search Presentations

The presentation materials are offered in connection with CAS professional education offerings. © 2022 Casualty Actuarial Society. All Rights Reserved. The presentation materials may contain copyrighted content the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. You are permitted to view and print the materials for personal/professional noncommercial research purposes. Except for the foregoing, you agree not to reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works, or commercially exploit the presentation materials without prior written permission from CAS. Please direct any copyright permission inquiries regarding use of the presentation materials to

Viewing 6726 to 6735 of 6735 results
STAY TUNED! If you are anticipating additional search filters by attribute and level to align with the CAS Capability Model, it is coming later this Summer. As the CAS begins to code recorded sessions by specific attributes and levels (starting with the 2023 Annual Meeting), these will be tagged in the CAS database of presentations going forward and should be searchable.

But you may use the Capability Model now to help you identify topics. For example, if you want to move up one level under the content area “Functional Expertise,” you may search topics in the particular functional area to expand your knowledge.

Recorded content is searchable by Capability Model attribute and level in the CAS Online Library.

CS18: Getting The Most Out of Your Capital Model

CS17: Risk Management Based on Stress and Scenario Analysis with a Focus on Longevity Risk

CS16: IFRS 17 and its Impact on Risk Management

CS15: How to Effectively Leverage Stress Testing in Decision Making

CS14: Award Winning Research Papers

CS13: Advances in Cyber Risk Modeling

CS12: Approaches to Risk Management for Insurers and Pension Plans

CS11: Deciphering your Risk Appetite

CS10: Reserve Risk: An open-source claims level reserve simulator

CS1: Risk Evaluation Perspectives: Firm, Sector & Horizon Scanning