Exam SP9 - Enterprise Risk Management Specialist Principles Exam

Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA)

Exam SP9 - Enterprise Risk Management Specialist Principles Exam

Exam SP-9 Registration

Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFOA) SP9 Syllabus


SP9 Syllabus

The SP9 syllabus is available on the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries website:


The required reading material for SP9 is outlined on the IFOA website: Resources for SP9


Individuals taking the SP9 exam to qualify for CERA through the Casualty Actuarial Society must register for the exam through the CAS.


The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries have provided Exam Rules and Regulations for conduct during your remotely invigilated exam.


The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries have provided a FAQ to prepare for a remotely invigilated exam.


Registration deadlines and dates of exam administration can be found on the CAS Examination Schedule [PDF].

Prior to registering for Exam SP9, all candidates should read the Prepare for Your Exams page of the IFOA website. 

SP9 Exam Registration


The CAS will follow the protocol of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (U.K.) in releasing exam results. The Institute and Faculty will provide the individual grade reports and list of passing candidates to the CAS Office. The CAS will post the list of passing names and send an e-mail announcing the posting to all who took the SP9 exams in that sitting.

SP9 (Formerly ST9) Passing Candidates

Passing Candidates - April 2021
Passing Candidates - April 2020
Passing Candidates - April 2019
Passing Candidates - April 2018
Passing Candidates - September 2017
Passing Candidates - April 2017
Passing Candidates - September 2016
Passing Candidates - October 2015
Passing Candidates - September 2014
Passing Candidates - April 2014
Passing Candidates - September 2013
Passing Candidates - April 2013
Passing Candidates - September 2012
Passing Candidates - April 2012