Exam Accommodations

The CAS is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive actuarial community and promoting equality of opportunity along the entire actuarial career path.

Please note the CAS email address for accommodations correspondence - accommodations@casact.org

Candidates with formally diagnosed disabilities or conditions requiring special testing arrangements must submit the online form below as written request and upload appropriate documentation from a healthcare provider. This request form must be completed for every exam sitting, however, candidates only need to submit updated documentation every 2 years, and therefore do not need to provide documentation if they have already submitted it during the past 4 sittings. Documentation of previous accommodations in an educational program or work setting may be considered. Any fees charged by healthcare providers for medical documentation are at the candidates’ expense.

Candidates who are pregnant and/or nursing, or those who are celebrating a religious/national holiday during the exam window may request certain accommodations via this form without uploading documentation.

Please also review Pearson VUE's list of approved comfort aids for items allowed in the exam room that do not require an accommodation approval.

The CAS strongly recommends that accommodation requests be submitted at least six weeks prior to exams for Exams MAS-I, MAS-II, and 5 through 9, for best exam appointment availability at Pearson Vue testing centers.


Candidates must take the following steps:

1. Register for your exam on the CAS website. You will automatically receive an Authorization To Test (ATT) email. DO NOT schedule your exam at this time. 

2. Review the information below to understand the documentation required for your request. Once you have gathered any required documentation, log into your CAS account to complete and submit the form at the bottom of this page. Please allow up to 10-14 business days for your accommodations request to be processed. Candidates who encounter challenges scheduling their exam in the exam window due to the timing of accommodations requests can reach out to accommodations@casact.org for assistance.

Accommodation requests should include a document from a healthcare professional that includes:

  • Documentation of a disability or condition
  • Explanation of how it affects testing under timed conditions
  • Specific requested accommodations

When appropriate, a description of symptom severity (e.g., frequency, duration, and intensity) and medication regimen should be included.

Meet with your healthcare professional to obtain any reports that provide disability or accommodation-related information (e.g., psychoeducational testing, neuropsychological test results, medical evaluation results). If a comprehensive diagnostic report is available that provides the requested information, copies of that report can be submitted through this CAS Accommodation Request Form. Please do not provide case notes or rating scales without a narrative that explains the results.

3. You will receive correspondence via email following review of your accommodation request. If approved, you will receive an updated Authorization To Test (ATT) email. Upon receiving this updated ATT email, carefully review that your accommodation is consistent with the correspondence you received from CAS. It is the candidate’s responsibility to review this information for accuracy. Please contact CAS at accommodations@casact.org if there is a discrepancy.

Your ATT email will include detailed instructions for scheduling your exam with Pearson VUE. Some appointments may be scheduled online, while others require calling the Pearson VUE Scheduling Department directly.

Note: Incomplete forms will not be saved. Please make sure you have gathered all required documentation before completing and submitting this form.

The accommodations request form will be available when exam registration opens. Candidates must register for their exam(s) prior to submitting an accommodations request. 

Please log in to complete the CAS Exams Accommodations form.