
Exams & Admissions, Membership / Notices to Members
Membership / Notices to Members, Volunteer
2023 CAS Elections
CAS News, Diversity, Membership / Notices to Members
The 2023 CAS election ballot is now available to be completed online.
Event Updates, Membership / Notices to Members, Professional Education
The CAS has made it easier for actuarial employers to sign up their actuarial employees for CAS webinars and at substantial savings for those companies with a large number of actuaries spread across multiple locations.
IAA Webinar
Diversity, Global Updates, Membership / Notices to Members
Join the International Actuarial Association (IAA) and the CAS on September 1st* to celebrate International Actuaries Day 2023: The Actuarial Planet - Extending our Wings.
Membership / Notices to Members
The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) has opened its third annual CAS Actuarial Technology Survey to CAS members and candidates. The survey provides annual insight into preferred technology, self-reported proficiency levels, technology barriers, preferred methods and potential areas to expand the actuarial toolbox.
Membership / Notices to Members, Publications & Research
The CAS Research Council is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to assess ways in which telematics and usage-based insurance technologies/data can either increase or decrease the potential for racial bias within insurance rating.
Summer of CE survey
Event Updates, Membership / Notices to Members
The CAS is in the midst of our Summer of CE, a campaign designed to highlight our summer events and provide discounts on special offerings. To better understand the on-site and virtual event experience, we conducted a survey of recent CAS event attendees. We are delighted to share the results below.
CAS News, Membership / Notices to Members
Membership / Notices to Members
I am pleased to announce that the following Fellows were elected or re-elected by the CAS Board of Directors to serve as 2023-2024 Vice Presidents and members of the CAS Executive Council (EC).
CAS News, Membership / Notices to Members, Professional Education
As part of its roll out of the Capability Model, the CAS has unveiled two new instructional videos showing how actuaries may use the Model to expand their abilities into new areas of their work.