Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities

Gain exposure to nearly 10,000 members, other professionals, and companies in the P&C industry.

Society Partners Program

The CAS Society Partners Program provides early access, priority selection, and discounts on event sponsorship and advertising opportunities for partners based on the size of their annual pledge. The program runs each year from October 1 to September 30 and offers several ways for partners to reach their target audience and enhance their brand.

2023-4 Society Partners Program Brochure

Program Application

Event Sponsorship

These include the CAS Annual Meeting; the CAS Spring Meeting; the Ratemaking, Product and Modeling Seminar; the Seminar on Reinsurance; and the Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar, which all offer virtual participation options as well. The CAS offers a variety of sponsorship levels and add-on opportunities for each of these events. Specific event details are in advance of each event.

The CAS occasionally offers additional domestic and international professional development events with sponsorship opportunities.

Annual Meeting

Ratemaking, Product and Modeling Seminar

Spring Meeting

Seminar on Reinsurance

Casualty Loss Reserve Seminar

Contact sponsorships@casact.org for more information.

Sponsored Content Marketing: Webinars & Whitepapers

Sponsored Webinars: The CAS offers organizations the chance to profile their content through sponsored webinars. Approved webinars are one hour, open to our members and the public, and can take the format of an interview, presentation, or workshop. Brand awareness is emphasized with pre-event marketing, registration, and post-registration follow up.

Cost: $10,000

Sponsored Whitepapers: The CAS offers organizations the chance to share their research, best practice, and other written content through sponsored whitepapers. Approved whitepapers are published on the CAS website. Brand awareness is emphasized with additional distribution through the CAS weekly newsletter and social media.

Cost: $4,500

Contact sponsorships@casact.org for more information.

Actuarial Review Magazine Advertising

The CAS publishes its bi-monthly magazine, Actuarial Review, with a circulation of almost 15,000 in print and electronic format. Nearly 40% of the readership are senior-level executives.

Media Kit

Weekly E-Bulletin Advertising

The CAS distributes its e-bulletin each Wednesday, which contains updates on professional education offerings, research, volunteer and speaking opportunities, the Career Center, and member announcements. Advertisers can purchase banner ads (600 x 130) or sponsored links (50 words of text with a landing page link) to reach this audience of over 15,000 current and aspiring actuaries.

Banner Ad: $600/week

Sponsored Link: $400/week, $1,500/ 4 consecutive-week package

Contact sponsorships@casact.org for more information.


Career Center Advertising

The CAS Career Center allows employers and recruiting firms to post open positions to a focused audience of credentialed actuaries, actuarial candidates, and interns. Last year, over 200 job vacancies were posted with an average of over 1,000 hits per position. The Career Center is promoted each week in the CAS e-bulletin, which has a subscription of almost 15,000, that continually draws new talent to these open positions.

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