Announcing the 2025 CAS Strategic Plan

Dear CAS Members and Candidates,
We are excited to share the CAS’s 2025 Strategic Plan, which was officially adopted by the Board of Directors on November 3, 2024. This Strategic Plan reflects our collective vision for the next several years and builds upon the foundation established by the 2020 Strategic Plan.
The development of this plan was a highly collaborative process, and we are deeply grateful for the robust engagement throughout. After releasing the exposure draft in October, we received thoughtful feedback from many of you. These comments were carefully reviewed and helped inform the final version of the Plan.
The 2025 CAS Strategic Plan is centered around five key pillars:
1. Enhancing the Candidate Experience
2. Building Skills for the Future
3. Reinforcing Our Differentiated Brand
4. Fostering Strategic Expansion
5. Advancing Operational Excellence
These pillars aim to ensure the CAS remains a global leader in property-casualty actuarial credentialing and continues to provide unparalleled value to our members, candidates, employers, and other stakeholders.
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the members, candidates, and employers who participated in the development of the 2025 Strategic Plan. Your engagement—through focus groups, town halls, and feedback on the exposure draft—was instrumental in shaping this roadmap for the CAS’s future. Together, we are building a more vibrant, inclusive, and forward-thinking organization that will continue to thrive in an evolving world.
I also thank the members of the Strategic Planning Task Force, who dedicated their time, expertise, and creativity to shaping this plan. Their thoughtful contributions ensured that the plan reflects the needs and aspirations of our diverse membership, while addressing the opportunities and challenges facing the actuarial profession. Task Force members included: volunteers Steve Armstrong, Steve Belden, Kris DeFrain, Julie Lederer, Jessica Leong, Len Llaguno, Sandy Lowe, and Amber Rohde, along with staff members Victor Carter-Bey, CEO, Mike Boa, Chief Communications Officer, and Joyce Warner, Chief Business Officer.
Finally, I thank our external consultants from Breakthrough Growth (BTG), Denise Fandel and Joyce Klute, who guided and assisted the Strategic Planning Task Force throughout the development of the plan.
With our new plan now approved, the Executive Council will work with staff on the development of operational plans to achieve the plan’s desired outcomes, along with measures of success to gauge our progress as we execute the plans.
We encourage you to read the 2025 CAS Strategic Plan and explore how this plan supports our shared goals and aspirations as a professional community of actuaries. Thank you for your continued commitment to the CAS and for contributing to our success.
Roosevelt Mosley, FCAS
Chairperson, 2023-24 CAS Board of Directors and Chairperson, CAS Strategic Planning Task Force