1. What are Working Papers?
Working Papers are papers that reflect an idea or concept that is still being developed and for which the author is inviting discussion. As such, a Working Paper might be considered a work in progress.
2. Why did the CAS establish the Working Paper section of the website?
The CAS is constantly striving to improve the accessibility of research for the members and improve avenues for feedback to researchers. The Working Paper section of the website will allow authors to more quickly disseminate new ideas than would be possible with a printed publication. Discussions of Working Papers are encouraged and will be posted on the website along with the papers. With feedback on the paper, authors can modify their work and prepare the paper for submission to a publication.
3. What is the difference between Working Papers and Call Papers or Discussion Papers?
Working Papers are not part of a CAS Committee-sponsored call for papers or discussion paper program. Papers submitted to these programs are intended for publication in the CAS E-Forum or online Discussion Paper Program. Working papers are contributed by authors who are not ready to commit the time to write a full paper for publication, but would like to expose an idea or concept that is still being developed. Working Papers are focused more on substance than style.
4. Who may submit Working Papers and Discussions?
Both CAS members and non-members are invited to submit Working Papers, as well as comment on existing Working Papers.
5. How do I submit a Working Paper or Discussion?
Working Papers and Discussions should be via the CAS Publications submission portal on the ScholarOne website, along with an executed Permission to Publish form.
6. Can I still submit papers for publication in the E-Forum?
Yes. The E-Forum is still the vehicle for non-refereed, completed, papers.
7. Is a particular format required for Working Papers and Discussions?
The CAS will provide a template for Working Papers, but authors are not required to use the template or any specific format.
However, a disclaimer will be included on each Working Paper and Discussion that is posted. The E-Forum staff will embed the disclaimer, which will state that Working Papers are works in progress and that the CAS is not responsible for statements or opinions expressed in the papers.
8. Are Working Papers and Discussions subject to any screening before they are posted?
Yes. Working Papers are subject to a limited review by the E-Forum Editor that may include a cursory review of grammar and spelling, but not full copy-editing. Submissions would only be declined if the content or presentation is viewed as inappropriate for a professional website. Authors should adhere to the following guidance pertaining to their submissions:
The purpose of Working Papers and related Discussions is to encourage the free and open exchange of ideas and concepts relating to the assessment, measurement, and management of financial and other risks. Working papers and discussions that advance such discourse are welcome, but will be subject to limited review for appropriateness to this purpose. Inappropriate content is considered to be that which is or may be, in whole or in part, false, unlawful, fraudulent, infringing, libelous, slanderous, defamatory, offensive, political, unprofessional, or promoting or soliciting for commercial purposes. Though authors will be involved in the acceptance process, the decision of the editor will be final.
9. How soon will Working Papers and Discussions be posted after being submitted?
Working Papers and Discussions are expected to be posted within four weeks of receipt by the CAS Office.
10. What are the particulars around Discussions?
Discussions of Working Papers are encouraged! Discussions are also subject to limited screening, as described above. Discussions will be held for a limited time (four weeks) to allow the author to respond to the Discussion. If an author chooses to respond and does so within the allotted time period, the Discussion and response will be posted together. If an author does not choose to respond or does not respond within the allotted time period, the Discussion will be posted alone. Only in certain circumstances will the author be allowed to keep the Discussion from being posted.
11. Can authors revise their papers?
The expectation is that, as Discussions are posted, authors will revise their Working Papers. Revised papers are subject to the same process as initial submissions. All versions of a Working Paper (and Discussions) will be retained until the paper is removed from the site.
12. How long will Working Papers and Discussion be posted?
Working Papers will not remain posted permanently. Working Papers will be removed:
- At the author’s request.
- Upon acceptance for publication.
- One year after last revision by the author (unless the author indicates that he/she expects to continue to work on the paper),
Authors who wish to have their papers permanently retained by the CAS should submit them for publication in the CAS E-Forum, which accepts unsolicited research papers.
13. Will Working Papers be included in the Database of Actuarial Enquiry (DARE) or the CAS website search engine?
No. Given their “work in progress” status, Working Papers are not considered part of the body of knowledge of the CAS or the actuarial profession.
14. I have additional questions that have not been addressed in this FAQ. To whom should I send my questions?
Send your questions to Elizabeth Smith, CAS Director of Publications.