Webinar Working Group - Call for Presentations

Months Available to Present
All must complete the CAS Terms of Speaking: https://fs8.formsite.com/J2PbbG/drszn6eeza/index *
Target Audience (select all that apply)
May the presentation be recorded and offered on UCAS?
May the presentation be shared with registrants in a PDF format?

Webinar PPT Guidelines

• Use PowerPoint 2007 or later to create your slides
• Save as a .PPT or .PPTX file
• Select On-Screen Show (4:3) or On-Screen Show (16:9) as the Page Setup
• Do not use timed animations
• Do not set a password on your file
• Do not link to external images or spreadsheets
• Do not use tables created from versions of Excel older than Excel 2007
• Do not use read-only fonts
• Embed any custom fonts
• Do not embed audio or video clips within the presentation
• Do not use fading or transitional backgrounds
• Use PowerPoint's standard animations instead of custom ones
Zoom is installed on all presenter laptops

ADA Compliance Requirements

* Use a minimum 22-size font
* Use text with sans serif font styles such as Arial, Helvetica, Verdana
* Use a minimum of 4.5:1 contrast (black and white is 21:1, for reference).
* Use alternative text descriptions for all images.

CAS Capability Model

We are incorporating the CAS Capability Model into our programming to help our members find guidance on traits, skills and knowledge important for most property/casualty actuaries, identify areas of opportunity to learn and grow, and then plan their professional development journey. https://www.casact.org/professional-education/cas-capability-model

Please select three Content Areas, Skills, or Traits below that participants will gain from attending your session. (One selection per learning objective).

Core Content Area



The following provides additional details about each of the skills expected within the profession. Specifically, a professional at each level would be expected to demonstrate: