CAS News
Publications & Research

E-Forum Submission Guidelines Revised

E-Forum no longer requires submissions to conform to an established template in Word. With the implementation of its new microsite, the need for a template has been eliminated. Authors no longer need to spend extra time formatting their submissions in Word (e.g., headers, footers, fonts), but they still need to indicate section headings and subheadings.

E-Forum submissions can be in Word or LaTeX. When submitting an article for publication, E-Forum authors should prepare the following:

  • A final electronic file of the paper in Microsoft Word or LaTeX.
  • An accompanying pdf of the final paper.
  • Separate files for figures in JPEG or PNG format in at least 300 dpi.
  • Supplementary attachments/datasets (r files, .xls, etc.).

As a final step when papers are accepted, authors will also be asked to provide 100-word author biographies, key words and a 30-word paper description.

For more information on the E-Forum Submission guidelines, visit