CAS Updates New Sample Item Types with Sample Solutions

In response to candidate feedback, the CAS has updated the new item type samples on the Pearson VUE/CAS website. The new item type samples are intended to provide candidates with examples of the new item types on exams MAS-I, MAS-II, 5, 7 and 9. Each of the 11 questions will note which exams you may see the item type, and where the content originated. There is at least one question for exams MAS-I, MAS-II*, 5, 7 and 9 and, as an added enhancement, sample solutions have been provided in a separate document.
Ahead of the October/November sitting, additional sample items and solutions will be added to further enhance our current offering of study resources for candidates. The additional sample items will include content from exams 6-Canada, 6-International, 6-United States and 8.
The new item type samples will allow candidates to practice using the navigation and features of the testing application. Additionally, the blank spreadsheet has been updated and added as the last item presented in the sample exam for candidates to further practice in the environment. Candidates can expect to see this updated spreadsheet on all CAS exams at Pearson VUE test centers.
Note: for spreadsheet items, candidates should follow instructions on submitting the final response. If there are no instructions given on how to round your final response, candidates should enter in their response as they deem appropriate. Candidates can reference a cell below in the final response cell.
*The MAS-II sample item can be found in the solutions file.