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CAS Hosts First China Insurance Summit

On December 9, the CAS hosted a day-long virtual summit, covering a wide variety of topics impacting actuaries practicing in China. The event proved to be of considerable interest, drawing participants from across the insurance industry in China and abroad, including members, candidates, academics and other insurance professionals. While China is the largest concentration of CAS members outside of North America, this is the first time the society has hosted an event primarily in Mandarin, tailored for a Chinese audience.

The Summit agenda included a dynamic lineup of fourteen different speakers, covering a wide range of topics from regulatory updates on Solvency and IFRS 17 as well as impact of Covid-19 on Motor insurance in the U.S. and trends of mobility insurance in China. The afternoon session kicked off with a keynote presentation from CAS President-Elect Frank Chang, who talked about the significance of actuaries working in the tech industry.

In addition to informative speakers, the event also included a recognition of the 6 new associates and 9 new fellows who joined the CAS in 2022.

China Summit session recordings will be available in UCAS in January. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the CAS International staff at