Centennial Wall of Names

The CAS Wall of Names listed every person who has ever earned CAS credentials from 1914-2014 – at the time over 7,300 names! The banner, which was over 40 feet wide, was on display in the Exhibit Hall at the CAS Centennial and Annual Meeting.

The names run horizontally (as one would read a page) and are organized by year of highest designation, then alphabetically by last name within that year.

To find your name:

1)      Identify the year in which you attained your highest designation

2)      Locate your name (alphabetical by last name) within the year. Years run horizontally, as one would read a page.

The background graph represents the number of new members per year, over the course of CAS history.

A PDF Download is available of the CAS Wall of Names

Wall of Names - CAS Centennial
Wall of Names
Wall of Names - CAS Centennial